Course on the fine arts here at Art Studio ARTISHOCK it is directed on extension of the decision of the following primary goals:
Corrections of lacks of progress of cognitive activity of pupils by regular and purposeful education and perfection at them proper perception of the form, a structure, size, color of subject matters, their position in space, skill to find in represented essential signs to establish similarity and distinction between subject matters:
- Progress at students of analytic activity, activity of comparison, generalization; Perfection of skill to be guided in the task, scheduling, consecutive performance of picture;
- Improvement of visual coordination by use repeating actions with application of a varied material;
- Formation of basic knowledge of bases of realistic picture; skills of drawing from a nature, on memory, on concept, decorative drawing and skill to apply them in educational, labour and socially useful activity;
- Progress at pupils of aesthetic feelings, skills to see and understand beautiful to state estimated judgements about works of the fine arts, to bring up the active is emotional-aesthetic attitude to them;
- Expansion and specification of an art lexicon. Progress at students of art taste, accuracy, persistence and independence in work;
For the best results, four types of activity applied: drawing from a nature (observation), decorative drawing, drawing on subject matters (imagination), masters study and conversations about the fine arts. Curriculum is age appropriate, thus we have 3 main categories: Artishock 1 (ages 5-7), Artishock 2 (ages 8 − 10), Artishock 3 (11 and up).